IxD Student Design Team

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IxD Student Design Team: Spinny, Glowy, Pressy things

Do you want to learn more about building robust, working prototypes that combine electronics, 3D modelling, 3D printing, laser cutting and other fabrication techniques?

Are you planning on working with physical prototyping for your thesis?

We are searching for 20 students to join the IxD Student Design Team for the Autumn semester.

We will meet for 4 hours once a month to design and develop our new library of interactive objects for prototyping with buttons, motors, lights and sensors.

As a member of the team, you will get extra access to the IxD Workshop and IxD Lab and learn what it takes to design and build complex working prototypes in the IxD lab during your thesis.

If you are interested in joining the team, send an email to harb@itu.dk with the subject: IxD Design Team 2024.

Please supply:

Your Name:
Course and Year:
Current Prototyping Skills:
Prototyping Skills you would like to Develop:
Motivation for learning more about interaction design prototyping:
