Material properties of Computers

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The purpose of this 15 ETCS project is to investigate two material properties of computational composites: ‘reversibility’ and ‘accumulation’ (Vallgårda and Sokoler 2010).

3-title_billedeAccumulation and reversibility are already experienced in various contexts (accumulation: e.g. decay in nature or patina of old buildings; reversibility: e.g. the tide changing between high tide and low tide or a reversible jacket). We begin our investigations by looking into examples of reversibility and accumulation in nature – see the pictures on the right. With inspiration from nature we perform various material experiments to explore how the two properties can be expressed in computational composites.

As an early exploration, we have build a waving structure (see videos below) with inspiration from how grass moves in the wind.

To gather observations and design explorations, we collect everything in an annotated portfolio:


Project team:

Nina Mørch Pedersen
Morten Winther Larsen


