Electronics, computers and mechanics and my paint, brush and canvas.

Home > Lab Talks > Electronics, computers and mechanics and my paint, brush and canvas.

On Thursday the 24th of September, we had a visit from Christian Liljedahl from art collective Illutron (http://illutron.dk).

Christian will talk about: Electronics, computers and mechanics and my paint, brush and canvas.

“To me it does not make sense to talk about electronic art or Art & Technology as something unique and special for out time in the context of art. I make what I do, because I have something to say. I use whatever media and tool that does that best.”

He will also tell us about the music arising from accidentally exploding gas.

About Christian.

In 2005 Christian Liljedahl quit his career as a computer consultant and cut short his civil engineering education. Since 2008 he has been a full time artist, working with the group Halfmachine now Illutron. He has exhibited all over DK and abroad and is especially keen on working with water and fire and fire in water.

