Extra: Garnet Hertz

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Garnet Hertz will visit ITU and IxD lab on October 3 at 4-5 pm and have an open conversation on Critical Making

Garnet Hertz, Canada Research Chair in Design and Media Arts at Emily Carr garnetUniversity of Art + Design, Vancouver Canada is visiting the Technologies in Practice research group at ITU on Friday Oct 3rd 2014. Garnet Hertz is an artist and researcher whose work explores themes of DIY culture and interdisciplinary art / design practices, and he is particular know for his work on Critical Making. This year he authored a paper together with Silvia Lindtner and Paul Dourish titled Emerging sites of HCI Innovation: Hackerspaces, Hardware Startup & Incubators, which received a SIGCHI Best of CHI Best Paper Award on the top-tier CHI conference 2014.
